
Primerjava izdelkov

Please choose up to 3 TV for a direct comparison

Displaytechnology LED LED
Diagonal screen size (cm/inch) 101 81 -
Resolution FHD 1920 x 1080 HD 1366 x 768
HDR - - -
3D-Technology - - -
Picture 200Hz SMO 200 Hz SMO -
Max. contrast ratio 5.000:1 1200:1 -
Panel brightness in cd/m² 350 200 -
Typ. response time in ms (GTG) 9,5 9 -
Viewing angle type 178° 178 -
Music power output (watts) 2x10 2x8 -
Integrated speakers 2 2 -
Dolby Digital Plus™ -
Dolby Digital® -
Daljinski upravljalnik -
Časovnik Sleep -
Elektronski spored (EPG) -
Otroško varovalo -
Top videotekst -
Timeshift - -
Equipped with tuner ex works DVB-C/T2/S2 DVB-C/T2/S2 -
Integriran HDTV -
HEVC (H.265) -
Operation system - Netflix 5.0 -
LAN - -
WiFi - -
HDMI incl. CEC / and with ARC 3/0 2/0 -
USB 1 2 -
CI+ slot 1 1 -
Zvočni izhod S/PDIF Digital (koaksialni) - -
Avdio vhod (analogen) - -
AV-vhod (FBAS/L/R) cinch - -
LAN network connection (RJ 45) - -
S/PDIF digital audio output (optical) - -
Mains voltage 100-240V/50-60Hz 100-240V/50-60Hz -
Power consumption in use (in delivery condition) [W] 61 41,0 -
Power consumption standby mode [W] <0,5 <0,5 -
Peak luminance ratio [%] 65 65 -
Annual energy consumption [kWh] 90 60 -
Energy efficiency class G G -
Width with base / without base [cm] 89,4 72,1 / 72,1 -
Height with base / without base [cm] 55,3 / 51,6 45,0 / 20,0 -
Depth with Base / depth without base [cm] 20,5 / 9,0 20,0 / 9,1 -
Weight with base / without base [kg] 6,1 / 6,0 3,8 / 3,7 -
Wallmount VESA (WxH) [cm] 20x20 20 x 20 -
Mercury concentration in mg 0,0 0,0 -
Contains lead (within statutory prescriptive limits) -