About us

Brand story.

METZ blue

A German Brand.

Through a combination of the strength of Skyworth, a global player in the TV business, and the 85 years of experience of traditional German manufacturers Metz, high-quality smart TV solutions are being created by METZ blue, with the aim of making state-of-the-art screen technology available to everyone.


We’re convinced that technology shouldn’t just work – it should also be fun. Our products are characterised by high reliability – they are simple to operate and, thanks to smart functions, can bring almost unlimited entertainment into your living room.

METZ blå: Det nye, globale mærke fra Metz

2018 er et meget specielt år for den tyske tv-producent Metz: ikke alene fejrer virksomheden sit 80 års jubilæum, den vil også introducere sit nye globale mærke "METZ blue". METZ blue er rettet mod et bredt markedssegment og vil på sigt være tilgængelig på alle kontinenter.

Metz Classic – always first class.

For 85 years, Metz Classic has been developing and manufacturing products in Germany and as such has one of the richest traditions among German consumer electronics companies. True to our claim, Metz Classic products are “made in Germany” to provide customers with first-class quality. As such, Metz Classic stands for technical perfection with respect to durability, reliability, picture and sound quality and user-friendliness.



